Sounding Display

-SHARPpy Documentation-

Unless otherwise noted; inqueries about the sounding display can be resolved by referencing the SHARPpy documentation found here

-Local Modifications-

Wind bars and Hodograph segments are color-coded base on height AGL in KM from 0-1, 1-3, 3-6, 6-9, and >9KM in magenta, red, green, yellow, and cyan respectively.

Sounding Index Descriptions


FRZLowest freezing level (mb) or BG for below ground
WB0Wet bulb zero (mb) or BG for below ground
PWPrecipitable water (in)
RHAverage relative humidity from surface to 500 mb (%)
MAXTMaximum estimated forecast temperature (C) using a 150mb layer
TH1000-500 mb thickness (m)
L57700-500 mb lapse rate (C/km)
LCLLifting condensation level (mb) using parcel choice
LILifted index @ 500 mb (C) using parcel choice
SIShowalter index (C)
TTTotal totals index (C)
KIK index
EIEnergy index (cal)

-PARCEL- : Thermodynamic Parameters

CAPEConvective available potential energy (J/kg) using parcel choice
CINHConvective inhibition (J/kg) using parcel choice
LCLLifting condensation level (mb) using parcel choice
CAPCap strength (C) using parcel choice
LFCLevel of free convection (mb) using parcel choice
ELEquilibrium level (mb) using parcel choice
MPLMaximum parcel level (mb) using parcel choice

-WIND- : Kinematic Parameters

STMEstimated storm motion (knts) from 0-6 km AGL mean layer, spd 75% of mean, dir 30 deg veer from mean
HEL0-3 km AGL storm relative helicity
SHR+0-3 km AGL positive shear magnitude (sum of veering shear values)
SRDS0-3 km AGL storm relative directional shear (directional difference of storm relative winds)
EHI0-3 km AGL energy helicity index
BRNBulk Richardson number
BSHR0-6 km AGL bulk shear value (kts)

Current filename: /home/data/models/gfs/2502080600F033.gfs
Reading from grid file:/home/data/models/gfs/2502080600F033.gfs
Searching file for grids...
VAR_make_datatype: no ltype: 10
VAR_make_datatype: no ltype: 10
Date: 33 hour GFS valid 15Z SUN  9 FEB 25
Station: 62.07,26.7
Latitude:   62.07
Longitude:  26.70
     mb     m     C     C    %   C     C  deg knt   K     K     K     K    g/kg
SFC 1027   124  -6.7  -7.1  97  0.4  -6.8 210   3 264.4 264.8 264.8 270.2  2.18
  1 1000   333  -4.7  -6.5  87  1.9  -5.3 236  12 268.5 268.9 267.9 274.8  2.34
  2  950   736  -5.3  -8.6  77  3.3  -6.4 263  13 271.8 272.1 269.7 277.6  2.09
  3  900  1160  -5.2 -12.2  58  7.0  -7.2 260  16 276.2 276.5 271.7 280.9  1.67
  4  850  1608  -6.0 -13.6  55  7.6  -8.1 256  19 279.9 280.2 273.7 284.5  1.57
  5  800  2081  -7.9 -15.5  54  7.6 -10.0 254  21 282.7 282.9 275.0 286.9  1.42
  6  750  2580 -10.3 -19.7  46  9.4 -12.5 251  25 285.4 285.5 275.9 288.6  1.07
  7  700  3108 -13.4 -20.4  56  7.0 -15.0 247  29 287.7 287.8 277.1 290.9  1.08
  8  650  3668 -17.0 -18.2  91  1.2 -17.3 243  33 289.7 289.9 278.6 293.9  1.40
  9  600  4265 -20.5 -20.6  99  0.1 -20.5 240  36 292.4 292.6 279.6 296.2  1.23
 10  550  4903 -24.5 -25.7  90  1.2 -24.7 238  39 295.0 295.2 280.3 297.7  0.86
 11  500  5592 -28.4 -28.4 100  0.0 -28.4 240  38 298.4 298.5 281.7 300.8  0.73
 12  450  6338 -33.8 -33.8 100 -0.0 -33.8 238  41 300.7 300.8 282.3 302.4  0.49
 13  400  7154 -39.5 -39.5 100 -0.0 -39.5 237  45 303.7 303.7 283.3 304.8  0.31
 14  350  8054 -46.2 -47.7  84  1.6 -46.3 230  46 306.4 306.5 284.2 307.0  0.15
 15  300  9061 -53.8 -54.8  89  1.0 -53.8 236  47 309.5 309.5 285.2 309.8  0.08
 16  250 10215 -58.9 -63.5  55  4.6 -58.9 230  48 318.5 318.5 288.3 318.7  0.03
 17  200 11621 -57.1 -76.5   7 19.4 -57.3 252  35 342.4 342.4 294.9 342.4  0.01
 18  150 13446 -55.7 -81.5   3 25.8 -56.1 267  32 374.1 374.1 301.3 374.1  0.00
 19  100 16004 -59.0 -85.6   2 26.6 -59.3 290  42 413.8 413.8 307.0 413.8  0.00
TRP                                             0                              
WND                                             0                              

Sounding variables and indices
1000-500 mb thick:      5259.15 m
Freezing level:      Surface below freezing
Wetbulb zero:        Below ground
Precipitable water:        0.33 inches
Sfc-500 mean rel hum:     74.83 %
Est. max temperature:      6.83 C =   44.30 F
Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 1020.23 mb =   175.63 m =   576.22 ft T:   -6.20 C
700-500 lapse rate:        6.04 C/km
ThetaE index:              0.00 C Layer 1027.0--21495.8 mb
Conv cond level (CCL):   730.66 mb =  2780.21 m =  9121.30 ft
  Mean mixing ratio:       2.17 g/kg
  Conv temperature:       15.27 C =   59.48 F
Cap Strength:             16.73 C
Lifted Index:             18.87 C Risk: None
Lifted Index @300 mb:     23.92 C
Lifted Index @700 mb:     12.52 C
Showalter Index:          12.01 C Risk: None
Total Totals Index:       37.27 C Risk: None
  Vertical Totals Index:  22.45 C
  Cross Totals Index:     14.82 C
K Index:                   1.88   Risk: None
Sweat Index:              75.27   Risk: None
Energy Index:              3.40   Risk: None

Parcel Indices
Parcel: using 100 mb layer
CAPE (B+):                25.79 J/kg
Max Up Vert Vel:           7.18 m/s
Conv Inhibition (B-):  19428.79 J/kg
Cap Strength:             18.62 C
Lift Cond Lev (LCL):     936.31 mb =   849.54 m =  2787.17 ft
Lev Free Conv (LFC):      -1.00 mb = -9999.00 m = -9999.00 ft

Wind Parameters
Mean winds (0-6000m):            244.5 at   27.8 knts
Storm direction:                 274.5 at   20.9 knts
Shear (0-3000m)              pos:    2.3 neg:    2.5 tot:    4.9 10-3/s
Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m):     102.0 deg
Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos:   57.9 neg:   -5.7 tot:   52.2 m^2/s^2
                             ave:   17.4 10^-3 m/s^2 rel:   0.53
Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz:    5.6 stream:    2.9 10^-3/s
Energy-Hel index:          0.01
Bulk Rich Number:          0.63
Bulk Shear:               40.78 m/s
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Weather Type
Severe Winter
Parcel Type
Surface Based Mean Layer
Most Unstable Effective Inflow
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-300 60
-102 102
42 42