Current filename: /home/data/models/gfs/2502080600F033.gfs
Reading from grid file:/home/data/models/gfs/2502080600F033.gfs
Searching file for grids...
VAR_make_datatype: no ltype: 10
VAR_make_datatype: no ltype: 10
Date: 33 hour GFS valid 15Z SUN 9 FEB 25
Station: 62.07,26.7
Latitude: 62.07
Longitude: 26.70
mb m C C % C C deg knt K K K K g/kg
SFC 1027 124 -6.7 -7.1 97 0.4 -6.8 210 3 264.4 264.8 264.8 270.2 2.18
1 1000 333 -4.7 -6.5 87 1.9 -5.3 236 12 268.5 268.9 267.9 274.8 2.34
2 950 736 -5.3 -8.6 77 3.3 -6.4 263 13 271.8 272.1 269.7 277.6 2.09
3 900 1160 -5.2 -12.2 58 7.0 -7.2 260 16 276.2 276.5 271.7 280.9 1.67
4 850 1608 -6.0 -13.6 55 7.6 -8.1 256 19 279.9 280.2 273.7 284.5 1.57
5 800 2081 -7.9 -15.5 54 7.6 -10.0 254 21 282.7 282.9 275.0 286.9 1.42
6 750 2580 -10.3 -19.7 46 9.4 -12.5 251 25 285.4 285.5 275.9 288.6 1.07
7 700 3108 -13.4 -20.4 56 7.0 -15.0 247 29 287.7 287.8 277.1 290.9 1.08
8 650 3668 -17.0 -18.2 91 1.2 -17.3 243 33 289.7 289.9 278.6 293.9 1.40
9 600 4265 -20.5 -20.6 99 0.1 -20.5 240 36 292.4 292.6 279.6 296.2 1.23
10 550 4903 -24.5 -25.7 90 1.2 -24.7 238 39 295.0 295.2 280.3 297.7 0.86
11 500 5592 -28.4 -28.4 100 0.0 -28.4 240 38 298.4 298.5 281.7 300.8 0.73
12 450 6338 -33.8 -33.8 100 -0.0 -33.8 238 41 300.7 300.8 282.3 302.4 0.49
13 400 7154 -39.5 -39.5 100 -0.0 -39.5 237 45 303.7 303.7 283.3 304.8 0.31
14 350 8054 -46.2 -47.7 84 1.6 -46.3 230 46 306.4 306.5 284.2 307.0 0.15
15 300 9061 -53.8 -54.8 89 1.0 -53.8 236 47 309.5 309.5 285.2 309.8 0.08
16 250 10215 -58.9 -63.5 55 4.6 -58.9 230 48 318.5 318.5 288.3 318.7 0.03
17 200 11621 -57.1 -76.5 7 19.4 -57.3 252 35 342.4 342.4 294.9 342.4 0.01
18 150 13446 -55.7 -81.5 3 25.8 -56.1 267 32 374.1 374.1 301.3 374.1 0.00
19 100 16004 -59.0 -85.6 2 26.6 -59.3 290 42 413.8 413.8 307.0 413.8 0.00
Sounding variables and indices
1000-500 mb thick: 5259.15 m
Freezing level: Surface below freezing
Wetbulb zero: Below ground
Precipitable water: 0.33 inches
Sfc-500 mean rel hum: 74.83 %
Est. max temperature: 6.83 C = 44.30 F
Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 1020.23 mb = 175.63 m = 576.22 ft T: -6.20 C
700-500 lapse rate: 6.04 C/km
ThetaE index: 0.00 C Layer 1027.0--21495.8 mb
Conv cond level (CCL): 730.66 mb = 2780.21 m = 9121.30 ft
Mean mixing ratio: 2.17 g/kg
Conv temperature: 15.27 C = 59.48 F
Cap Strength: 16.73 C
Lifted Index: 18.87 C Risk: None
Lifted Index @300 mb: 23.92 C
Lifted Index @700 mb: 12.52 C
Showalter Index: 12.01 C Risk: None
Total Totals Index: 37.27 C Risk: None
Vertical Totals Index: 22.45 C
Cross Totals Index: 14.82 C
K Index: 1.88 Risk: None
Sweat Index: 75.27 Risk: None
Energy Index: 3.40 Risk: None
Parcel Indices
Parcel: using 100 mb layer
CAPE (B+): 25.79 J/kg
Max Up Vert Vel: 7.18 m/s
Conv Inhibition (B-): 19428.79 J/kg
Cap Strength: 18.62 C
Lift Cond Lev (LCL): 936.31 mb = 849.54 m = 2787.17 ft
Lev Free Conv (LFC): -1.00 mb = -9999.00 m = -9999.00 ft
Wind Parameters
Mean winds (0-6000m): 244.5 at 27.8 knts
Storm direction: 274.5 at 20.9 knts
Shear (0-3000m) pos: 2.3 neg: 2.5 tot: 4.9 10-3/s
Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m): 102.0 deg
Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos: 57.9 neg: -5.7 tot: 52.2 m^2/s^2
ave: 17.4 10^-3 m/s^2 rel: 0.53
Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz: 5.6 stream: 2.9 10^-3/s
Energy-Hel index: 0.01
Bulk Rich Number: 0.63
Bulk Shear: 40.78 m/s
Unable to generate sounding for point request.